Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why would I wanna put myself in somebody's shoes?

Indeed, this few days, spent my days and nights thinking on what I'm up to in this 3 weeks. I thought I could be happy and I tried to changed for someone that I think he cares. But...isn't it suppose that loving a person should be unconditional and love them as the way they are. That is supposed to be the words I should hold on to...I thought things could work when I try to give my best in making things work...nevertheless, I found that I'm not giving enough...or maybe he is like something..or a barrier there that we keep remind or he keep reminding me on not to repeat the histories. Is like taking the relationship to the most negative and I'm likely not seeing any good future for things to work if we are not willing to give our 100% commitment...

And the things that hurt me most and placed a dart in my heart was him:

(1) Walking off just like that when I have no words...and left me to cry in that suppose to be??!
I'm most afraid of being one try to understand how I felt for not being able to express the tense...but the words "Sorry, but you will have a lonely night tonite!" in our first quarrel is still playing round and round in my thoughts and still heartache of it.

(2) Can't understand the way my life goes...I have things to at time i might be over independent and he will just get mad over the phone..

(3) Can't understand the feelling of "I have a lot of things to tell you, but I dunno what to say when I see you" and he is upset over that when I like it more to type it in words.

(4) And eventually, I dunno if i'm a fool for starting this relationship that I have to only think in his shoes. Does he know how much pressure I have to bear to get things done and from people around and fulfilled the time together?? How I think of way to help him initially? Maybe he knows...or maybe he don't even know.

(5) Kinda think that he still can't forget his former relationship/s and I don't feel the secure together..
Of course me too wanna be selfish..I want your love and to be loved like you never be in love before...which gurl don't wished for this??
Nothing he did to make me happier and felt the assurance...nothing...all it is he want me to change for being more chatty not typing in words...and just get mad when I don't have much things to say...but does he know how much I care and will try to possibly help if I'm able to?
I felt i'm such a fool...*sighhhh*

Day by day know, the gap is more and I 't think I can no longer get a long well now. It never been so easy for me to let go of something that I loved last time...but seems that this is hurting me too much consistently and I think I should just let go in peace...but why? Why is like the blame on me? Why he can't put the thoughts in my shoes??

Or maybe is my fault for not able to love someone properly now as the past is still haunting me and everything I did will still remind me of the past....hmmmm....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What I am offended to? Heartfelt things but not conveyed because...

Somehow..I don't know why? Why is it always people whom I care will turn out to be so mad when I'm mad? Heartache and it hurt me most and I am haunted by all these situation now. It is so unbearably painful to be in this is like a dart left in my heart..I can't forget and is playing around my mind...being left in anger and dissapointment when what I need most is attention and the feeling of security that I'll be slipping away slowly now...
I just want to be myself....i'm tired..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Passing By...just to say words...

It's been century old since I last posted something. Time flies again and I'm into the final stages of internship and hoping like a bunny to the year finale already. Sometimes, it just get to emotional thinking back the bitter bitter sweet things that happened in life. It never been easy for me. Every path made to go through was full of thorns...and burning coals..each steps taken, there will be injuries...that leave wounds...that healed some...and some opened wound again...

Anyway, life has been a 2 revolution of change now = 720 degrees.

Just wanna take a little time to express it at least just release the thoughts. I don't wish much but just that someday, my life would be better...not just being left in cold cold dark dark small small room...

What i'm really feeling now.....
I felt like...

Down on bended knees..kneeling to pray...that this life won't hurt so much and at least just send me some guidance for a brighter day and a wear of genuine smile back once more.......

Felt awfully terribly horrible...Why will end up like this? Where is the always cheerful me and the spirit of "never never ever give up" of me? I'm just too lost..deep in...

o yeah...just want to express the tense out...for some people out there...I know you guys are fast and I'm slow. So stop pitying me..with the fake sincerity and emphatic. I have my own ways of doing things...stop watching the way I'm doing and what I'm doing...stop commenting and watch out the qualities of you guys first..the end! ciao..