Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Passing By...just to say something..in words...

It's been century old since I last posted something. Time flies again and I'm into the final stages of internship and hoping like a bunny to the year finale already. Sometimes, it just get to emotional thinking back the bitter bitter sweet things that happened in life. It never been easy for me. Every path made to go through was full of thorns...and burning coals..each steps taken, there will be injuries...that leave wounds...that healed some...and some opened wound again...

Anyway, life has been a 2 revolution of change now = 720 degrees.

Just wanna take a little time to express it here...to at least just release the thoughts. I don't wish much but just that someday, my life would be better...not just being left in cold cold dark dark small small room...

What i'm really feeling now.....
I felt like...

Down on bended knees..kneeling to pray...that this life won't hurt so much and at least just send me some guidance for a brighter day and a wear of genuine smile back once more.......

Felt awfully terribly horrible...Why will end up like this? Where is the always cheerful me and the spirit of "never never ever give up" of me? I'm just too lost..deep in...

o yeah...just want to express the tense out...for some people out there...I know you guys are fast and I'm slow. So stop pitying me..with the fake sincerity and emphatic. I have my own ways of doing things...stop watching the way I'm doing and what I'm doing...stop commenting and watch out the qualities of you guys first..the end! ciao..

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