Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Shadows that I have to live with~

Is it called shadow? Or is it called a close stitched wound? I think both of it could be addressed for what I'm feeling. Well, I should be accepting that I can't lived like a normal human used to. Well, for now, I think I will still remain optimistic for whatever that comes. Will be a better human and do the things that I like and pursue the dreams that I desire. This illness already run in my blood and nothing I could do to get rid of it and what is left is the dark history of the pain of going through it for 2 years. The pain is unbearable not only towards physically itself, but emotionally it hurts even more. The scars still remained. Just hope that things won't get that bad and I can recover, need not haunted by the dark dark painful past. Praying and keeping fingers crossed nothing could get serious for now...nothing..pleasee...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I found myself not the usual self I am just like few years back. I used to be a happy just go and lucky type of person and just work hard for the goals and knew well what responsibilities that I have to fulfill. But now, I felt I'm so useless timid and such a coward in facing any problems and reality and in this interval, I found myself to be so so so so fragile. I don't even know where is the last time the spirit of never never ever give up of me?? Where it had disappear within me? Where it had gone? I'm giving up so easily now. Including giving up myself. I hurt myself and doing things which I'm not suppose to. I hated what I'm going through so much that I just anesthetic myself with foods...lots of it...till I can't feel being myself...and just hide in the dark crying over it crying for the guilt I felt. Maybe I'm hurt too much or I can't accept the reality that I can't be normal or probably food will just made me feel better for a second and the next will make me hate myself so much. Day by day now, as I look in the mirror, the reflection shows someone that I hate to see so much. I don't know why. Is like feeling so suffocated could not breath at all. I can't explain. I just want to be normal and I tried to change but I'll still walked on the same path over and over again. I changed to someone that can't accept myself and I don't even know why I'll felt that way...I wonder where is the me that used to give inspiration and motivation to others? Where was her now? What is left now is the one that only hide, express herself in this little blog.....

Things that made us changed as we grow...

All the things that ever happened, that we experienced through the years amazingly enough to change a person subconsciously. Just like how I used to hate writing a composition regardless in English or Malay Language during my primary school years, but now simply, I prefer to write or express my feelings more and better in words. Something that I realized that human do changed. Including me myself. Somehow, our thinking and mindset changes as we grew older and changes based on the series of events that occurred. Most of the time, were the events that caused us pain and hurt us most would changed us. To me, not easy for me. Perhaps, what I'm going through is just a teaspoon of salt in a large sea full of salt. Definitely there are more out there having to go through harder and harsher life. Often now, I'll just sit there thinking why am I going through the toughest each time for whatever that came. Nothing is easy and smooth all the time. Nevertheless, each time, I'll go through it by telling myself that God and fate made me to go through it, so I'll have a better life and things would be better in near future and I can be stronger human. Of course, as the Chinese saying goes nothing is "sap chuen sap mei" in this world. Just like I accept that nothing goes perfect and as the way everybody want. God made each human being different and unique in their own way. It is just how one's outlook towards a person or towards life. I see you good, you see me good. Nothing is perfect. This is reality and just hope that I'll hold on for what I have to go through despite the truth that it is hard and difficult and I still believe that this shall pass through too.....

Words from Daddy: Know your ability. Do not climb so high if you are not capable to. Because, once you fall, it is gonna be hurtful..

Monday, May 3, 2010

還有什麼值得追求, 還有什麼可以擁有....there is nothing to pursue..nothing to hold on to...

Somethings that resemble my feelings...truly..

















~Light Year Loneliness~

Who take away the stars from my sky

In a second

the sky is full of dark clouds

No matter happiness or sadness, have to carry it by myself

forgotten that I deserved to be looked after

A pair of hands and a dream

fell continuously in the process of pursuing

it hurts so much until I forgot how to scream out the pain

Endless loneliness drown my sadness

My world is a subzero desert

actually I also need to have a warm hand to hug me

to melt this rigid foam

Endless expectation make people really loss

a sharp loneliness tore the sky like a knife

who would take my hand

Accompany me waiting in anticipation for a rainbow that soon will be vanishing to appear with me

Who changed sun light to rain

sky became dark

happiness has its time limit

it always hidden in a sands of loneliness

forgot that I deserved to be cared too

Walking and walking alone

try to reach a dream, but never been able to

extremely worn out and tired, is there any place to stop

Endless loneliness drown my sadness

My world is like a subzero desert

actually I want to have a warm hand to hug me

to melt this rigid foam

Endless expectation makes people really loss

a sharp loneliness tore the sky like a knife

who would hold my hand tightly

Accompany me waiting in anticipation for a rainbow that soon will be vanishing to appear with me

Whose warmth is that

which is left in my little hand

is not worth mentioning, yet very important

Endless loneliness swallowed all the will to carry on

the whole world is in a swirl

who would accompany me, holding hand in hand walking

take me out from this empty hole

There is nothing to pursue

There is nothing to hold on to

Lend me a hug, don't know whether I will still tremble or not

Who can take away this beautiful sorrow

And make me believe that there is a reason to be loved.....

Walking down the road alone~~~

Once again...I felt one tries to understand...probably burying myself with loads loads of work or something to do will help ease me. I can't believe that I've been walking all one tries to understand...and all people do is judge who I am...not trying to think I have feelings and I'm a really weak soul. I cried tonight..a lot...thinking it my fault...for not being able to fulfill and putting myself in their shoes? or is it I'm the one who doesn't know how to times, I felt life is meaningless. I hate myself..I hate my life..I hate myself for not being able to go through this... Although people may judge me that I have everything but do they even know how empty it is? How I sit there to cry all night without anyone noticing? People don't always express. I'm the type that don't like to express...seriously I don't even know what I should do or how I can even carry on...sometimes I just wish to sleep and never wake up..or worst, is a suicidal feeling...but I can't do this because is a sin to the family that loves me a lot...
the tears just can't world is like a ground zero..nothings worth...