Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Things that made us changed as we grow...

All the things that ever happened, that we experienced through the years amazingly enough to change a person subconsciously. Just like how I used to hate writing a composition regardless in English or Malay Language during my primary school years, but now simply, I prefer to write or express my feelings more and better in words. Something that I realized that human do changed. Including me myself. Somehow, our thinking and mindset changes as we grew older and changes based on the series of events that occurred. Most of the time, were the events that caused us pain and hurt us most would changed us. To me, life..is not easy for me. Perhaps, what I'm going through is just a teaspoon of salt in a large sea full of salt. Definitely there are more out there having to go through harder and harsher life. Often now, I'll just sit there thinking why am I going through the toughest each time for whatever that came. Nothing is easy and smooth all the time. Nevertheless, each time, I'll go through it by telling myself that God and fate made me to go through it, so I'll have a better life and things would be better in near future and I can be stronger human. Of course, as the Chinese saying goes nothing is "sap chuen sap mei" in this world. Just like I accept that nothing goes perfect and as the way everybody want. God made each human being different and unique in their own way. It is just how one's outlook towards a person or towards life. I see you good, you see me good. Nothing is perfect. This is reality and just hope that I'll hold on for what I have to go through despite the truth that it is hard and difficult and I still believe that this shall pass through too.....

Words from Daddy: Know your ability. Do not climb so high if you are not capable to. Because, once you fall, it is gonna be hurtful..

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