Friday, October 1, 2010

5.25 A.M @ 011010

What am I doing at this hour? Whoah....should not be asked that should sounds like "What have been done at this hour??" instead!!! I can't really remember how many hours I've awaken till now. The work has drain all my tiredness away. Get my business plan done after editing and nicely place it in the proper format....just can't help but being a perfectionist in writing technical reports. I like how people's first impression when they read a good structured report...thanks to the teaching...and right now, I still have to revise for my project management test in the afternoon which I hardly touched yet...I can't really focused...probably thinking of the loads ahead...and the guilty feelings of not being able to produce any process flow for the lean project today. I dunno how he will react knowing that we've not even found any company to do the project and is going to be the submission in 2 weeks time. a point last night, I was thinking of giving up. In fact a lot of people has already lost their spirit....a lot of them have tears rolling...for as much as the limit that one person one normal soul could take....we're just humans...ordinary humans....but we're given the tonnes like as if it is given to machine or robots to work on. Hmmm...I just can't take it anymore. I'm waiting for things to resolve. I want a break. I want a vacation. I just missed home badly....I'm anticipating to go home...

O yea...September had already end...I just can't believe is so fast....another year is soon gonna be over. With more responsibilities on hand and in life.....

Happy October!!!!

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