Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Okay. Bubye. Go talk to the Wall ! ! !

Hahaha! ! ! Really enjoy the days when I'm around at home and how I was a joker around, particularly with my dear dear sis sis. I just can't help it but I'll be saying and acting something very funny and cute. Probably something that just came naturally across my head. Although we are not any young girls now, but our conversation sometimes sound like small kids. Just when I start baby talking to her.....it goes like:

Me: Dear dear (babbling like a baby).....I'm going back my second home tomorrow...Will you missed me??

Jie: Kehehehehe! ! No...I won't missed you. I can occupy your space, your bed as my store room. And I can sleep peacefully...

Me: Hurrrmmm =(( (expression) then no one will make you laugh liao

Jie: O yes...I will miss you. No one will talk to me then. And I'll be talking to the wall :(

Me: Kihkihkihkih....(and then I'll stick myself to the wall)

And the whole living room would be full of our laughters.....

Hehehehehe! ! ! Can't believe we can just be whatever and whoever we want inside our home. Need not wear any mask at all =D

And the other day when we were watching CSI on AXN. Somehow somewhere the word "COD" came across....so I start asking jie jie again:

Me: Jie......what is COD?? (trying to test her which I always did)

Jie: (kept quiet and pretending not to hear me)

Me: COD is Cause of Death....hahaha....I thought you know one?

Jie: Ya meh...why you are so smart? I only know, COD is Cash on Delivery. I think you watched too much of CSI...

Me: Ohhh!! (paused for a while and I knew she was right) gosh...how can I forgot that...wuahahaha~!!! So are you suggesting me to stop watching CSI and turn to watch something more marketing stuff?

Jie: No...you should watch more financial thingy. Good for you. Wakakakakaka!!!

Hahahaha!!Lol!! Is really funny to think back how actually our conversations will go. And how equally smart in our own way...which she always claimed that I'm way more smarty pants....lalalala!!

Jie: O Yeah. Why you are so smart? I have a smarty pants sister!

Me: (and my answer will always be this) Well....of course!! Because I am your little sister mah!! If not how to be smart leh??

Jie: Wakakakakakaka!! Kekekekekekekeke! Xixixixixixixixixixi! (with all kinds of laughters)

:p :p :p :p :p :p

Just enjoyed being in this way....and not to be so serious with the people around me...because I am not....always that...I want to be a spoiled kid =D

Although I can be a little grumpy like an old lady sometimes.....

Sisters' Act
Kaki Shopping and Kaki Jalan
but we're not Kaki Food Hunters

Sunday, December 26, 2010

~S~T~R~E~S~S~E~D~ ~D~E~S~S~E~R~T~S

Such a wonderful thing that some words are so true, being spelled backwards. Or probably is weird. Desserts are spelled backward as Stressed. I guess, why most of us like to gulp down the Desserts when we are Stressed. Is like gulping down all the stress from the sweet cravings. Yummy! ! Totally a cure to have some chocolates, cakes, ice-cream or even pudding at the moments when you felt you can no longer take things. Indeed, is so true. desserts are meant for stressed! !

Well, nice discovery. Reminds me of my second form English teacher. He said English is a crazy language. Yeah and it reminds me of how much I hate composing an essay. I'm such a lame writer. Wuahaha...anyway, now I noticed how much I missed those days, so much....

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


December 22, 2010~Winter Solstice Festival
Happy Winter Solstice Festival

冬至 is a time for family reunion. This year around, the December month, I chose to stay in Malacca. I want to fulfilled my promise to myself. Probably in coming years, things would be so different. Is the final varsity year and certain things, that only occur once a year, can't be recaptured the following year. It is all going to be memories. Thus, it should be friends unity this year instead, due to the timing, which all of us didn't make it back to our home for the tuan yuan.

Indeed, the memories would be sweeter with the funny things to laugh or smile at. 2010's 圆满 (completeness) would be kept as the merry memories in heart....

So.....made the Glutinous Rice Ball Tong Sui together with Meryin, Sai Chun, Chin Nam and Samuel, as proposed by the guys. Luckily one of my favorite thing to do is cooking and I've learned mommy's special combination of tong yun. No messing around with the flour later. I used to be helping my mom in kitchen so often, that I've learned quite a number of recipes from her. Hehehe~!!

There goes the combination Tong Yun....

~Brown Sugar Longan, Ginkgo, Tong Tung Gua Tong Yun~
Simple yet Different

Is a tiring job to prepare all the ingredients and the most tiring part is to knead the dough. Anyway, is so fun, as I've never really bring this recipe out and make it on my own.

After having the tong yun session, we went out at night to jalan-jalan and snap photos in Portuguese Settlement. The Christmas Lightings there are wonderfully awesome although is a little bit crowded during this year around. Will be dropping by there again on the eve of Christmas =D

The evil Meryin and the angelic Serene
ngek ngek ngek =p

Love the lightings

Monday, December 20, 2010

Men = Brittle; Ladies = Ductile

I wonder if male is the emotionally weaker gender?? I can't understand why they have always fail to think in the other way round, or put themselves in other people's shoes?? For whatever, they chose to give up and leaved a situation without considering how many things would be affected due to their actions, consequently.

Yeah..man always thought of their PRIDE..
but....c'mon, women have DIGNITY too....

They chose to end their life when they failed in love....leaving their parents and siblings and the one that really loved them behind...clearing all the mess with the heartache and in total devastation...
They chose to end their life when they failed in career....leaving behind their wives and kids to bear the holes dug, the debts and the woman as the sole breadwinner...regardless of their dignities...

Guys chose short term suffering....probably wanted their pride so much....
While girls, most of the time seems to be so weak, but, they are truly tougher inside out....and they understand details and consequences of their actions....


Man = Brittle
Woman = Ductile

Or, is a natural thing in this universe....man has planted the egoistic instinct in them......

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Take a mirror. Cermin-cermin kan diri anda. What did you see??

For me, I saw me..the ugly me. In which sometimes I'm so afraid to really have a good look at myself. All by myself. I'm destroying me. Because of trying to forget off....I've never really willing to do something that will reminds me again.

Oh yes.
I like cooking....
I like baking....
I like cycling....
I like origami stars...

Hey look!! There's a bike hanging there =D

And not just to abandoned the things I like, hoping to forget about the past...or hate to do those things because it makes me think about you again....
I have to face the reality...for my own sake...for the things that I really love to do....

with new found interest...
travelling to different places...
the satisfaction of looking at thing in many perspectives...
different people, faces....and most significant are the different cultures...
that can't be seen locally here.....

And, I better be pampering myself more, and put it above anything...good attitude, presentable, self-discipline and a healthy lifestyle should bring a better confidence in me...so I won't be scared of my own reflection in the mirror. I've better be realizing myself of what face I'm wearing......
"Nothing external will make a person happier when they are depressed from deep inside"

A 45-minute suicide countdown on Facebook continues to touch members’ hearts.

“Goodbye, my friend, goodbye My love, you are in my heart.”

RUSSIAN poet Sergei Esenin wrote this suicide note in his own blood and passed it to his friend the day before he hanged himself.

That was in 1925; imagine what he would have done if he had killed himself today.

When Alviss Kong, 22, decided to take his life after his girlfriend of four months left him last week, he posted a farewell status on his Facebook page together with a teary photo of himself.

The status at 11.15pm read “Count Down For 45 Mins…What should I do in this 45 mins?”

In the ensuing minutes, up to 204 Facebook members “liked” his suicidal status post on his Facebook wall, but no one stopped him or alerted his family on his suicidal intentions.

Only his sister Chelvin Kong, 28, reportedly tried to talk him out of the suicide, but Alviss assured her that he was joking.

A few hours later, his body was found sprawled on a car, fallen from the 14th floor of his apartment building in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.

This tragic tale has been getting a lot of media coverage especially in the Chinese press, begging the question – what do you do when someone tells you that he or she wants to commit suicide?

Student Ariel Yong*, 17, believes that many thought that Alviss’ message was a prank and simply played along.

“Sometimes when my friend and I wait for the LRT train, we make stupid jokes about throwing ourselves in front of the train. But we know it’s just a joke. I suppose on Facebook, it is difficult to know what somebody really means unless you are also friends outside.”

She feels this shows the significance of “friend” or “community” on Facebook: “Most are not real friends. My real friends would really know if I am joking or serious or if I am depressed or happy.”

International survey firm TNS last month reported that Malaysians had the most “friends” on Facebook and spent nine hours a day on average surfing the site of more than 500 million members.

Real friends or not, Kim Chua*, 19, hopes Alviss got some comfort from those who responded to his wall posting.

“They may not be his real friends or close friends, but no one wants to die alone,” she says.

The psychology student says studies show that an estimated 12–20% of suicides are accompanied by a note and people write it to ease their pain, not as a cry for help.

Paul Jambunathan, consultant clinical psychologist at Monash University Malaysia and Sunway Medical Centre describes those who “liked” Alviss’ Facebook status as “emotional voyeurs”.

“People love to hear about what is happening to others and how they are suffering,” he says, linking it to the trends in today’s popular culture.

“This culture includes suicide as an option to past history within the family or significant others, movies, lyrics and media sensationalism. They all have an effect that makes suicide an option when really it should never be,” he says.

But ultimately, no one can be blamed for Alviss’ death except himself. It was irresponsible of Alviss to put up the posting on Facebook, says Jambunathan.

“He expected society to be responsible for him. He killed himself because he was depress­ed, and became helpless and hopeless. It is unfair to pin this on the girl when the only person responsible is himself, his choices in life and the kind of friends he kept.”

Jambunathan believes that Alviss might not have jumped if there was any inkling of help or hope.

Consultant psychologist Valerie Jacques agrees that Alviss was deeply depressed and put his hopes in the relationship to make him happier.

“Nothing external will make a person happier when they are depressed from deep inside,” she says.

What is clear – and somewhat comforting – is the notion that love and the way people deal with its ups and downs have not changed over time.

Jambunathan concurs, saying that les affaires du coeur (affairs of the heart) have been known to drive men to “madness.”

He explains that very deep-level emotions are involved from even the early stages of love such as infatuation right to the latter stages of mantaining a functional relationship.

“How angry are you when you are hitting on a girl you have just met, and someone else is doing the same? (Love) evokes and stimulates the very basic and deep-rooted issues in people.

“These emotions lead to aggressive behaviour that can lead people to harming others or themselves,” he says.

This is probably why people act uncharacteristically when love is the core issue at stake. As they say, “love makes the world go round” or on the opposite end “love hurts.”

Jambunathan points out that while suicide seems to be an extreme option, others regularly indulge in self-destructive behaviour because of failures in their relationships. The “broken-hearted” might turn to alcohol to try and forget their relationship or sleep around to make themselves feel better, he adds.

Julia*, 30, remembers when she drove to see her then boyfriend after they had a fight over the phone. She was at a party and had been drinking a lot.

In any other circumstance, she wouldn’t have driven but at that moment she really had to see her boyfriend.

“I had many near misses on the road. I almost drove off a bridge but in the end I arrived at my destination. It was a very stupid thing to do,” she recalls.

She says that while career and financial issues are important, they are not as important as her romantic relationships.

Nazmi Johan*, 35, says that even tough-looking males can be “over-sensitive” when their relationships fail.

“It’s quite funny to see a grown man cry because of a girl but it happens,” he says.

“Love is the biggest seller. In almost every movie, there is always some sort of love element. People always believe that there is someone out there made for them and they will live happily ever after,” he muses.

Gregory Tan* who has been “dumped” a couple of times admits that he felt lost and turned to alcohol when his heart was broken.

“When that “one” person rejects you, it’s as if the whole world is rejecting you,” says Tan.

These days, he tries to be more philosophical about things. “I try to take an ‘everything happens for a reason’ attitude. When I fail at a relationship, I would say to myself that I would find someone more compatible,” he says.

Jacques believes love, not relationships, is a big reason why people consider suicide. In Alviss’s case, she believes that the root problem was that he did not feel loved.

“Even though his family love him dearly, he had a deep belief that no one loved him and so he was not lovable. So, any external sign of rejection or break up can trigger bad feelings,” she says.

Author: Rashvinjeet S. Bedi

Adapted from The Star Sunday December 19, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Because I knew.....

Today two years ago....

I once knew that...
Loving a person....
is about treasuring all the time spent together....despite the distance...
is about remembering every single words and the day meeting each other...and every event that happened...
is about trying to make them happy with lovely surprises...
is about bringing out the best and keeping each other strong all the time....
is about the trust and attachment...
and being there next to them the next second when they have problems and needed each others....

and I really do love you so deeply...for whatever I give out...was for the best of you...for that you felt deeply for me too...never before this..and I knew you sincerely meant it...
and for every word I said...truly I mean it...
and for every saying, I keep it as a note to treasure....so I'll remember..
and for the worries, that sometimes, left bottled up in yourself...felt I'm no one to you...to share with...
and how I always wished that you cajoled me, be there when I need you the most, when I said "leaved me alone" but you never did most of the time....
and for everything that slipped off your mind, disappointing me, I just forget about it...giving in once again...


Today one year ago...

Loving a person....
is not about not willing to share the burden and failures...
is not about asking for some time off....


is about sharing the ups and downs together...
is about going through the tough period together...
but you never allowed me too....
perhaps, I'm sulking too much?
and can't really understand you situation at edge?

and I'm sorry for trying to REMIND myself to FORGET...all the memories...
for that you asked me not to...
I'm sorry for letting go...and for breaking the feelings and shunned myself up....

because I knew, nothing going to be the same again....nothing...

Today this year...

Letting go and forgetting is the hardest thing....is still bleeding profusely...
It is the cold nights, the emptiness and the loneliness for losing something from your hand...and side...
There is no shoulders to lean on...no warm hugs...and no anticipation of waiting for the weekends for all these.....
Is like no other person closer...for it gives a big empty hole besides...now...

and today this year, nothing's gonna be the same...because I will never love like I never love before....
I will not be such a fool, remembering so many details....words, promises....
unless, if someday, someone, could just give me more and makes me felt much much more deeper....
someone that pours in more...to mend things that go wrong.....not just words said but empty...

hope all the things would be slipping from the memory one by one...
and I guess, is partially gone now...
My heart have to be strong...and tough...because I don't want to give in once again...
Needed my heart back...I'm taking it back under my own care...nurturing it to be stronger, healthier with normal beats...


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

From heart...and from mind....which one?

A pretty lousy day for me since yesterday. I was feeling damn awful. Went to bed and hoping not to wake up at all so I won't felt so lousy and bad and empty. Slept for almost near 15 hours...got up feeling odd and sick and complete a useless. Hmmm...

Probably that's what I am feeling for the past 1 year. Sometimes I'm okay and up. Sometimes I'm not okay and down and just refuse to do anything and just binge on food. And the post of it, was a feeling of self hate, so much....

Anyway, chatted with Sarah near evening just now. It brings some colors back to me. So, went out for a jog later in the evening before it start to rain...and made me think a little again...

Indeed, I'm afraid of the quietness, loneliness and emptiness too..after the break up exactly a year a go. It was so hard despite I displayed myself as okay most of the time. I completely lost myself, my determination to live, the insistence that I've always had being in the relationship despite is no other ordinary relationship for us....and the willingness to ask for nothing but only giving out most and the sacrifices I'd actually made...I thought love should be unconditional...nothing more I asked for, just to be able to have you in sight and to have you by your side to go through the downs and failures that you were actually facing...is that too much to asked for?

Guess, is too much promises, initially, and eventually, it is just empty promises...that I thought it would be fulfilled and how I thought there is till the end. If I ever get over the past or even have the power to turn back time, I guess...I'll never be so stubborn through the heart...and think from mind more..because, being together and sharing life is something that last till death...not just the sparks or chemistry in between...is about one's commitment, willingness to understand...not just disappointment by disappointment from one half...and another half keep forgiving and swallowing the disappointment in silence without noticing......

If only everything goes in reverse, I won't be so afraid now....so afraid for I thought that I might lose someone that I thought to be with me forever, forever...if I poured in too much....

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Had gone through the pain, then only knew how to protect ourselves;
Had gone through the tears, then only knew what is the grieving feeling means;
Had been silly, then only knew that at the right moment to insist then giving up and letting go;
Had LOVEd, then only knew ourselves were such a weak soul and frail person....

just let the "Had" be the Past Perfect....because...
the most important part of our lives are the present and future...
and let the past perfects remain as memories...and not as the doings in future...

Move on...
be the real person...carry on and strive for the best for our own sake...
and be somebody significant....
and not just somebody that cries in lone when...
the world is rotating fast...
with nobody giving a damn on you....