Friday, November 27, 2009

Assure me that it would be FINE, please...

I found myself to post very frequent blah about what's happening around me..hmm..guess this is the only place I can express my thoughts now ='( I've waited too long already for the one that I wished to hear most from but nope, not at all...where's the one that I needed most?...or at least the words I need...that I still mean a thing or a portion in his life after all the times...moments...hmmmmmmm...I miss him and I need him to keep me he don't even know...hmmm...
Anyway, for the time-being, the crucial thing is, I just want everything to be fine, everyone to be well, healthy and happy. That's what I hope the most..especially for mom to get well very very very very soon. I just don't want her to suffer after all the things that she's been going through with her health deteriorating in the past months...keeping my fingers crossed and praying hard for her to fully recover from the inflammation she got in her stomach. We'll never thought how would h. pylori a bacteria which she was infected with when young could caused all these today. Brought mom to gastroenterology clinic this morning for an endoscopic scan. The scan confirmed positive of the present of helicobacter pylori bacteria and it has infected the wall of the her stomach, eventually causing inflammation. Hmm..the inflammation explained the symptoms of her complaining of feeling dizzy, stomach discomfort, weak and all sorts of illness including the rapid weight loss all the while she's experiencing . At least now, the reason is known and the causes of all the sickness is partly answered. By the way, according to the doctor, this bacteria is contagious and run in a family and it could remain unknown in the body until either tests were done or when there are symptoms shown in later stage for an individual which has been the doctor recommended that me and my dear sis go for a blood test as well because the possibilities of being infected were high...haiizz..guess I'll take the test later. Still, early detection is better to avoid scarring of the stomach or even to prevent more serious condition (I do not want to mention it at all)..haizz..pity mom..we're worried of her condition..and she's even more worried and thinking all sorts of things lately...I just want her to be well like how things used to be...*sighh*

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