Thursday, November 26, 2009

An old wound that never heals..bleeding harder now...

A wound that never heals, just it has been bandaged all this while...Now, this wound started to bleed again very profusely and growing bigger, larger. It hurts..incredibly extremely one knows..It hurts so much..unbearable pain that tears just keep falling each and everyday for the extreme pain felt from it....
I felt cold, dark, insecure...there's not even words at all..
Is it too much that I asked for for just some words to show you care...or answers that I know I'm still important to you...maybe I don't understand you enough...but but..under the circumstances, you could just simply show some loves..maybe one or two of loves that I know I still mean a thing to you...maybe I don't deserved the loves...i don't...maybe someone else did whoever knows...there's nothing you did to assure me..nothing...All the time, I don't even know if I keep you strong...and maybe I'm invisible whoever knows...
There's too much tears that falls now....and I just can hope..only hope...that my feelings would be answered someday...that someday you could care enough to slowly stitch the wound back with simply some words...or maybe the someday will never comes whoever knows...
Because..deep in me, you are still my everything and always be...and I'll always love you even maybe someday when I realize that I mean nothing to you...even you think that I'm just a "passer-by" in your life whoever knows....
Falling for only once and never in this life again..never...

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