Tuesday, November 24, 2009


The silence would make me feels empty. The emptiness would make me feels lonely. The loneliness would kills me inside out. Grateful to have a great bunch of buddies..they are the reason for me to hold on to something that me myself not sure of..their words, their encouragements, their advices, their cares, how they make me see things in a different way so I won't stray too far from the sidewalk...friends are friends forever...
The words would always be in my mind and memory and it would be played over and over again like films playing without sound...

"Live for today because today is a present...do not always think about what's gonna happen in future...be happy for the present cause is a blessings to have these great moments now"

"Why do you always think about the wrongfulness he did and all the sorrows that happened in between both of you...where have all the happier times, moments that both of you spent together gone to? C'mon..think of it"

"Do not always mentioned the 'maybe' word...it shows that you are doubting on all the feelings..be sure of it"

"Live, Love, Laugh"

"What goes around comes around"

"Love me for who I am, not what I am"

"I will always love him and miss him although he mean the world to me yet I mean nothing to him..because I'll only love once and no one could replaced him nor changes my feelings towards him"

"Follow your heart as long as you are happy with it"

"How could I move on when even letting go is hard now"

"Is not worth to let a tiny friction destroyed our friendship built all these years..is just not worth"

"Hardwork is the one that stays forever"

This was only part of the words you have my dear..there were whole loads of it that I'll never forget. Thank you. Thank you for being a great friend by me all these years. Although how our lives have changed in these past few months, something won't change at all..our friendship...it would stays..We will be happy and live our lives to the fullest...smile always!! =D

~Our dads are proud of their daughters... =p~

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