Sunday, November 22, 2009

Poor poor abandoned bloggie...

Pheww....seems like i did it again. I neglected this blog again. Well, exactly a semester since I last posted any updates here. Perhaps, in coming days I'll spend more time blogging =(
After all, the past half 6 months were a really hectic life for me. It is a revolution of 360 degrees change in life for me as well because there were too much things happened. I can't even get a good weekend for the entire half a year and to the extent I have to think of what work to complete each morning I got up. I'm grateful is over now. I'm real thankful and grateful for the blessings that I got along the way all these years...for having a supportive and warm loving family, friends and a smooth flow in my studies. After all, I'll be having 2 weeks break after my final exam and then after, my internship period. Will be attached to Spansion in Shah Alam for 5 months and I hope everything would be smooth in that interval. so nice to be home again. So so so glad to be able to stay home and live a pampered life for 8 months. Kihkihkih =p

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