Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Hair Cut....again...

The last time I cut-off my long hair, everyone was so surprised or shall I use the word "shocked" and start asking me what's the urge to make me do such "rapid" decision and my answer was "I'm not happy with life, so I cut it off, short. And isn't it better in this style?" Well, probably a hair cut that I've never thought of, is something that resembles of forgetting the past and all the emotional thingy. And also to forget that he likes me in long hair. Well, I guess most men like ladies in long hair. I used to be keeping long hair (never fail to be over my shoulders and the longest was to my waist) and an occasional trimming to get rid of the split-ends. At that very sudden, I just want it to be short and just let go of it, additionally with some style. People said that the hair reflects so much of one's internal life - and what's going on with them emotionally. So don't believe when a girl cuts her hair all off or completely restyles it and yet denies there's anything going on. Bet that some sort of emotional change is taking place and usually a dramatic cut reflects a whole new phase of life and to forget something that is troubling them. So from the past 6 months, I've started to have short hair (just touching shoulders) and kept a promise to keep it long for now. I wished to keep it long again and it would be awesome having long hair in the convocation rob and mortar board. Hmmm...but I think is difficult to make it grow back in a short interval and indeed it takes time for the growing process...and after 6 months of the shortest cut, I cut it again, today :O Probably felt good having short hair and hopefully I won't have the intention to cut it again till next year. =D

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