Sunday, September 19, 2010

~When it is yours, it is yours; When it is not yours, it won't be yours eventually~

Almost forgotten about this principle. Certain time, humans always have this enviousness towards what other humans owned. At a point, we'll have to stop and try looking at things at another perspective. Why do we need to envy of what they have or whatever luck they have? God and fate created each of us differently in different way. Be proud of what you owned and be sure to work hard and think of ways of owning the dreams that you dream of...just with your own little hands and with the strength of your own bones. Trying to get something not belonging to you could invite unwanted outcomes not now but in near future or worst, dragged to other generation. My dad is always the wise man that said "I am stingy of my wealth, but, I won't aimed and greedy at other people's wealth not belonging to me". Because, without reason of trying to cheat others won't do any good. I can say, good for the cheater now...but disastrous for his/her offspring. There was this story I heard from my parents. Is a story of a lady in Pusing, Perak. Long long ago, during the communist period, she have found a good wealth buried in the forest and the source of this wealth is actually from all the hard earned wealth of the villagers. She took it and made it hers and need not think of being poor again for the rest of her life. Yeap...after the hard times of the war and all that in the period of pre-independence, people suffers and hardly made few cents a day to made some food on the table for their children. Yet, with the unintentional wealth she have, she make it through easily. Nevertheless, the bad karma is seen in 3 of the generation of her offspring. So, this story left a really deep impact on myself and never to have something not belonging to you. Remember about bad karma. What goes around comes around...and not in one or two folds...probably in tenth-folds...

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